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How To Stay Consistent

Even When You Want To Quit

4 min readFeb 7, 2020


This is something that I struggle through at least once a week. I tend to self-sabotage. If I am honest I tend to get caught up in the busywork that does nothing to move me forward.

These are the steps I use to course-correct when I need too. I am still working toward gaining my confidence and self-doubt is real. I have to keep myself moving forward.

Have a plan

This is the first step and the most important. What is it that you want to do? What are your goals? Journal about those two questions and create a plan around the answers.

Write your plan down. Physically writing it down is important. You are telling yourself and your mind this is the action that I need to take. You are more likely to follow through if you write it down.

Come back to your plan at least once a week. I do this on Sunday. Think about what is working and what isn’t. Change the plan if you need to.

Know how you are going to make progress

You thought about your plan now break it down into daily tasks. What do you need to do every day to consistently move forward? For me posting on here every day is one way to consistently move forward.




Multi-passionate mom of three. She writes about her faith, personal development, mental health, relationships, and parenting.